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Undergraduate Independent Study & Directed Research Request

For Independent Study (396) and Directed Research (398) Courses

UIC College of Education undergraduate students requesting to register for a 396 Independent Study or 398 Directed Research course must complete the form below AND must have junior or senior standing to be considered.

Independent Study Courses and Directed Research Courses should include research, reading and active participation directed toward a problem. They are intended as an intellectual endeavor rather than just an extended observation or an exclusively experience-based activity.

Students must submit a project proposal, which represents both goals and methods of inquiry, that includes a general statement about a final report, e.g., the items to be covered, approximate length. At the end of the course, the instructor will write an evaluation of the student’s final report and performance. The project proposal as well as the final evaluation will both be filed in the student’s permanent academic file.

Request Form for Directed Research or Independent Study Heading link

Please note that filling out this form is only the first step in the course request; it is not the same as registering for the course. After receiving approval, students must register for the 396 or 398 course themselves via (Banner XE Registration) before the official UIC course registration deadline.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your undergraduate academic advisor.