MEd Urban Higher Education: Degree Requirements

Coursework for the MEd in Urban Higher Education

This 36 credit hour program is comprised of a core set of required courses (20 hours) and elective courses (16 hours). At least 9 hours must be at the 500 level. Students will study an area of emphasis in Leadership, Governance, Organization and Policy, or Institutional Research for Decision Making through their elective courses.

Required Courses (20 hours)

  • EDPS 515  Urban Higher Education Organization and Context (4 hours)
  • EPSY 516  Institutional Research, Data, and Evaluation in Urban Higher Education (4 hours)
  • EDPS 517  Administration and Governance of Urban Higher Education (4 hours)
  • EDPS 518  Students, Diversity, Access, and Equity in Urban Higher Education (4 hours)
  • EDPS 530  Seminar—Urban Higher Education in the 21st Century:  Ideas and Opportunities (4 hours)

Recommended Electives (16 hours)

Elective courses focus on either the Leadership, Governance, Organization and Policy, or the Institutional Research for Decision Making area of emphasis.

Leadership, Governance, Organization and Policy

The Leadership, Governance, Organization and Policy emphasis builds on the strengths of the Educational Policy Studies department, includes coursework that examines student transitions, current controversies, and community engagement and interaction, and prepares students to work as administrators in universities, colleges and community colleges, as well as federal, state and local government offices.

  • EDPS 415  Current Controversies in Urban Higher Education (4 hours)
  • SPED 461 Political and Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Special Education (3 hours)
  • EDPS 519  Student Transitions to College (4 hours)
  • EDPS 520  The City as Campus:  Community Engagement and Interaction (4 hours)
  • EDPS 529  Internship in Urban Higher Education (4 hours)
    • Optional course for students who have not had significant experience in a higher education leadership position.
  • EDPS 568 Education and the Law (4 hours)

Institutional Research for Decision Making

The Institutional Research for Decision Making emphasis builds on the strengths of the Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment (MESA) program in Educational Psychology. Graduates of this area of emphasis will be prepared to take positions in college and university institutional research offices and higher education system offices.

  • EPSY 503 – Essentials of Quantitative Inquiry in Education (4 hours)
  • Students interested in an institutional research area of emphasis can choose from a variety of measurement, evaluation, statistics, and assessment courses offered by the Department of Educational Psychology or relevant courses outside of the College of Education

Course Descriptions Heading link

Required Courses

EDPS 515
Urban Higher Education Organization and Context
4 hours

Study of historical and philosophical foundations as context for contemporary urban higher education. Examination of external influences (social, political, economic, technological, legal, and international) on urban higher education organizations. Prerequisites(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education or consent of instructor.

EPSY 516
Institutional Research, Data, and Evaluation in Urban Higher Education
4 hours

Intro to institutional research, data collection and usage. Emphasis on evaluating and using data in institutional practices, including strategic planning, assessment, accreditation, financial planning, budgeting, enrollment management and learning. Prerequisites(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education or consent of instructor.

EDPS 517
Administration and Governance of Urban Higher Education
4 hours

Investigation of structures of governance and administration in urban higher education.  Examination of urban colleges and universities as complex organizations, and analysis of theories of leadership, advocacy, and change in urban higher education. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education OR consent of instructor.

EDPS 518
Students, Diversity, Equity, and Access in Urban Higher Education
4 hours

Exploration of issues related to diversity in urban higher education, equity, and student access and opportunity.  Attention to race and ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic class, disability & exceptionality, sexuality, sexual orientation, and religion. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education OR consent of instructor.

EDPS 530
Seminar, Urban Higher Education in the 21st Century: Ideas and Opportunities
4 hours

Capstone course that brings together prior coursework supporting the academic and professional objectives of each student.  Students will demonstrate mastery of content and program learning objectives through a culminating project. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education OR consent of instructor.


Recommended Elective Courses

EDPS 412
Politics of Urban Education
3 or 4 hours

Relations between school governance and politics. The role of educational interest groups, school boards, professional educators, and citizens in formulation and execution of educational policy. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.

EDPS 519
Student Transitions to College
4 hours

Analysis of student expectations and preparation for college and an examination of how students make the transition to college, structures and initiatives that can support that transition, an impediments to entering and succeeding in college. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education OR consent of instructor.

EDPS 520
The City as Campus: Community Engagement and Interaction
4 hours

Critical analysis of relationships between urban universities and colleges and their environments and communities, with attention to implications for students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education OR consent of instructor.

EDPS 529
Internship in Urban Higher Education
4 hours

Provides on-site coaching, mentoring and classwork to support students’ understanding of urban higher education, its challenges and opportunities.  Facilitates integration of coursework and understanding of leadership and change in higher education. Prerequisite(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education OR consent of instructor.

EPSY 503
Essentials of Quantitative Inquiry in Education
4 hours

Introduces theory and assumptions behind parametric statistics. Also provides hands-on experience in conducting basic quantitative research (t-test, correlation, regression, analysis of variance). Prerequisite(s): Admission to MEd in Urban Higher Education OR consent of instructor.

EDPS 568
Education and the Law
4 hours

Legal rights, responsibilities, and authority of students, parents, teachers, administrators, boards, and government units in relation to schools. Legal issues in education policy and practice. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.