Data Request Data Request Form Heading link Copy link Please use this form to request data from Student Services. This form is for use by College of Education employees only. IName * Required First Last Email * Required Date * Required MM slash DD slash YYYY Date Data are Needed * RequiredPlease allow at least 5 working days from when you submit this request to receive data. Most data requests can be fulfilled within 5 working days. However, complex, extensive data reports requiring follow-up may take longer. University holidays, university deadlines, vacations, multiple requests, or peak admissions periods may result in longer turnaround times. MM slash DD slash YYYY Please complete this form with the information you are requesting. Specific details allow us to provide data as quickly as possible without having to follow up for clarification. Please include the reason the data are needed to ensure we provide the correct information and to ensure FERPA compliance. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Herkes prior to submitting your request. The default format for data provided is Excel unless another format is requested.Would you like the raw data, summary data, or both? * Required Raw Data Summary Data Both Will this data be used internally, externally, or both? * Required Internally Externally Both If you answered externally or both, please list with whom you will share data or where you will be providing this data. Note: FERPA may limit to whom some data may be provided. * RequiredIf you require data for a particular cohort, term, program, year or reason, please include that data in the fields below. Specific requests can be fulfilled more quickly. For example, "I need a list of all the Fall 2015 admits who registered for their first term in the Educational Psychology Ph.D. program and how many hours they are taking." Data Request Details * RequiredPlease list the terms for which you are requesting data.Please list all fields/data needed (student name, ethnicity, gender, UIN, courses registered, etc.). If only specific variable counts are needed, please list those. For example, a count of everyone registered by ethnicity and program.