Supporting the State-wide Implementation of the Illinois Spanish Language Arts Standards

Illinois Spanish Language Arts webinar


Our partnership with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) includes support for schools and districts to implement the Illinois Spanish Language Arts Standards and will run for three years. The project encompasses the development and delivery of coaching supports across Illinois school districts:

The UIC team, made up of Drs. Norma Monsivais Diers, P. Zitlali Morales, and Victoria F. Trinder, will coordinate the implementation of the Illinois Spanish language instruction arts standards in collaboration with partnering teams of school/district leaders across Illinois. UIC faculty have conducted webinars in both Spanish and English explaining the fundamentals of the newly adopted Illinois Spanish Language Arts standards.

In the three-year partnership with ISBE, the team will prepare Spanish Language Arts coaches and develop implementation resources for statewide use.

The Spanish language arts coaches include SLA Implementation Leadership Team and Coaches Biographies

If you are a school or district interested in receiving coaching around implementation of the Illinois Spanish language arts standards, please contact us through this registration link. If you would like additional information about the coaching process, please click on our promotional flyer.

Contact: Heading link

Norma Diers Monsivais
