Recent Grants

The College of Education receives grants in support of our values of hope, engagement and justice. Here are recent grants the college has received.

Educator Computational Thinking & Post-Secondary Career Intensives
PI: Mark Harris (Pritzker Tech Talent Labs / DPI)
Co-PIs: Danna Dotson (PTTL), Jeremy Riel (UIC COE), Karen Larson (PTTL), Sonia Pulido (PTTL)
Award: $260,000
Years: 2024-2025
Sponsor: Google

Paraprofessional to Special Education Teacher Pathway Development
PI: Chrissy Brown]
Award: $499,062
Years: 2024-2026
Sponsor: Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity

Flying Kites (Knowledge in Transformational Early Childhood Special Education)
PI: Sunyoung “Sunny” Kim
Co-PI: Catherine Main
Award: 740,225
Years: 2024-2029
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Education

Training Leaders in Equitable Applied Behavioral Practices (LEAP)
PI: Emily Gregori
Co-PI: Daniel Maggin
Total Award: $742,088
Years: 2024-2029
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Education

UIC Early Childhood Education RAP: ECE-RAP (Early Childhood Education Registered Apprenticeship Program)
PI: Catherine Main
Total Award: $3,795,200
Years: 2024-2028
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Labor

Advocates for Behavioral Development for Young Multicultural Children in Chicago (ABC)
PI: Dr. Sunny Kim
Co-PI: Dr. Emily Gregori
Total Award: $1,099,755
Years: 2024-2029
Sponsor: Office of Special Education Programs, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education

Preparing Responsive Interventionists in Applied Behavior Analysis (PRIDE)
PI: Emily Gregori
Co-PI: Sunyoung Kim
Total Award: $1,035,514
Years: 2023-2028
Sponsor: Department of Education

Collaborative Teaching for Young and Diverse Children with High Intensity Needs and Multiple Disabilities in Blended Environments (CHIME)
PI: Sunyoung Kim
Co-PI: Michelle Parker-Katz
Award: $1,011,563
Years: 2023-2028
Sponsor: Department of Education

Examining Blackness in Postsecondary STEM Education through a Multidimensional-Multiplicative Lens
PI: Terrell Morton
Award: $2,273,818
Years: 2022-2027
Sponsor: National Science Foundation

Assistive Technology Leaders in Special Education
PI: Daniel Maggin
Co-PI: Daniel Cochrane
Award: $1,248,700
Years: 2024-2029
Sponsor: Department of Education

Research Practice Partnership for Improving Equity-Centered School Leadership Practice in Chicago Public Schools
PI: Decoteau Irby
Co-PIs: Kathryn Chval, Allison Tingwall (Chicago Public Schools), Devin Swartley (Chicago Public Schools)
Award: $649,715
Years: 2023-2026
Sponsor: William T Grant Foundation

Generating Queers: The Transformative Work of LGBTQ+ Intergenerational Dialogues
PI: Nicholas Weststrate
Award: $374,325
Years: 2023-2026
Sponsor: Spencer Foundation

Deepening and Expanding the Mission and Outcomes of the Re-Envisioning Culture Network
PI: Terrell Morton
Award: $500,000
Years: 2022-2025
Sponsor: National Science Foundation

The Ready Child: A Public Awareness Campaign
PI: Kathleen Sheridan
Co-PIs: David Banzer, Sarai Coba-Rodgriquez, Jeremy Riel
Award: $100,000
Years: 2023-2025
Sponsor: CME Group Foundation

Individualized, Equity-Focused Evaluation of Public Library Makerspaces
PI: Rebecca Teasdale
Award: $149,082
Years: 2023-2025
Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Sciences

Impact Coaching: Novice Principal Assessment and Improvement Plans that Impact the District
PI: Cynthia Barron
Co-PI: Sharon Spears
Award: $250,000
Years: 2023-2025
Sponsor: Crown Family Philanthropies

An Investigation of a Cultural Humility & Social Justice Training and Support Intervention for Mentors of Youth of Color
PI: Bernadette Sanchez
Co-PI: David Dubois
Award: $570,000
Years: 2020-2025
Sponsor: WT Grant Foundation

Special education Urban Research for Greater Equity
PI: Lisa Cushing
Co-PI: Norma Lopez-Reyna
Award: $1,374,747
Years: 2018-2024
Sponsor: Department of Education

Post-College Career Readiness Across Disabled Adults in the Midwest
PI: Philip Boda
Award: $9,980
Years: 2023-2024
Sponsor: Eskeanzi Health Foundation

Early Childhood Workforce Portrait
PI: Daniel Maggin
Award: $200,000
Years: 2023-2024
Sponsor: Illinois State Board of Education

Diagnosing and Addressing Network-level Leaders Learning Needs Through C2 Research Practice Partnership
PI: Cynthia Barron
Years: 2024-2026
Award: $250,00
Sponsor: The Fry Foundation

Co-PI: Marie Tejero Hughes
Years: 2023-2028
Award: $800,972
National Center for Supporting School Building and Early Intervention Program Administrators to Effectively Implement IDEA and Improve Systems Serving Children with Disabilities
Sponsor: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services, US Department of Education

Strengthening Equity-Centered School Leader Preparation by Integrating Principles of the Science of Learning and Development (SOLD)
Co-PIs: Lionel Allen, co-PI, Tonikiaa Orange, (UCLA), Patricia Virella, (Montclair State U.)
Years: 2024-2025Total Award :$10,000
Sponsor: EdPrep Lab