Photo of Baker-Doyle, Kira

Kira Baker-Doyle

Associate Professor

Curriculum & Instruction


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1412 ETMSW MC 147

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Dr. Kira J. Baker-Doyle is an Associate Professor of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Education and the Co-Coordinator of the Language, Literacies, and Culture Doctoral program in the College. Dr. Baker-Doyle’s work focuses on understanding how to build critically transformative and empowering learning experiences through collaboration, connection, and networking. She is known internationally for her social network research on urban teacher professional development and community engagement, particularly in the areas of literacy, technology, and teacher organizing. She is the author of several books on these topics as well as a range of scholarly publications. In addition to her scholarship, Dr. Baker-Doyle has a record of leadership in the community, having served as the Director of UIC's Center for Literacy, and as founder of the Transformative Teacher Educator Fellowship program.  She has also had a significant impact on her field through her work with academic journals; she founded UIC's peer-reviewed, graduate-student run journal, Literacies Across the Lifespan, and previously served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies.

Courses Taught

  • Designing Networks for Learning, Literacies, and Educational Change (CI585)

Selected Publications


Baker-Doyle, K.J. (2023) Critical Network Literacy: Designing Humanizing Professional Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Yoon, S.A. & Baker-Doyle, K.J. (Eds) (2018) Networked By Design: Interventions for Teachers To Develop Social Capital. London, UK: Routledge.

Baker-Doyle, K.J. (2017) Transformative Teachers: Teacher Learning and Leadership in a Connected World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Baker-Doyle, K. J. (2011) The Networked Teacher: How New Teachers Build Social Networks for Professional Support. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Selected Peer-reviewed Articles

Mawhinney, L. & Baker-Doyle, K.J. (2023) Nurturing “A specific kind of unicorn-y teacher”: How teacher activist networks influence the professional identity and practices of teachers of color. Equity & Excellence in Education, 1-16.

Mawhinney, L., Baker-Doyle, K. J., & Rosen, S. M. (2021). ‘In it together’: Activist teachers of color networks combating isolation. Race Ethnicity and Education, 1–19.

Baker-Doyle, K. J., & Yoon, S. A. (2020). The social side of teacher education: Implications of social network research for the design of professional development. International Journal of Educational Research, 101, 101563.

Andrzejewski, C., Baker-Doyle, K.J., Glazier, J., & Reimer, K. (2019) (Re)framing vulnerability as social justice work: Lessons from hacking our teacher education. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. Special Issue on Transforming Teacher Education. DOI: 10.1080/10714413.2019.1694358

Baker-Doyle, K.J. (2017). How Can Community Organizations Support Urban Transformative Teacher Leadership? Lessons from Three Successful Alliances. Educational Forum. 81(4), 45-466.

Baker-Doyle, K.J. & Gustavson, L. (2015). Permission-seeking as an agentive tool for transgressive teaching: An ethnographic study of teachers organizing for curricular change. Journal of Educational Change. 17(1), 51-84

Baker-Doyle, K.J. (2014) Stories in networks and networks in stories: A tri-modal model for mixed-methods social network research on teachers. International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 38 (1), 72-82.

Baker-Doyle, K. J. (2013) Go ask Alice: Uncovering the role of a university partner in an informal science curriculum support network. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 3(3) 233-245.

Baker-Doyle, K. J. (2012) The social networks of new teachers: Locating and building professional support. The New Educator, 8(1), 65-85.

Baker-Doyle, K. J. & Yoon, S.A. (2010) In search of practitioner-based social capital: A social network analysis tool for understanding and facilitating teacher collaboration in a professional development program. Professional Development in Education, 37 (1) 75-93.

Baker-Doyle, K. (2010) Examining teacher recruitment and retention from a Social Network Perspective. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 18 (26). 1-17.


2008, Ph.D. Teaching, Learning & Curriculum, University of Pennsylvania GSE
1999, M.S.Ed. Elementary Education, University of Pennsylvania GSE
1997, B.A. Cultural Anthropology (Focus Area: West Africa), University of Pennsylvania

Research Currently in Progress

The Read, Make & Play Study: A research-practice Partnership study of the Read, Make, & Play program, a bilingual family literacy program encouraging family agency, creativity, connection, and exploration. Working in collaboration with Co-PIs Dr. Sarai Coba-Rodriguez and Dr. Andrea Vaughan. (Dissemination stage)

Youth Writing Their Lives Study: A collaborative Teacher-Research study examining the experiences of BIPOC educators working in an online, out-of-school digital media program for youth. Led by a team of scholars and graduate students in the Language, Literacies, and Culture Phd Program at UIC. (Analysis and Dissemination Stages)

Academic Writing Support Networks Study: A mixed-methods social network analysis study of informal writing support networks among PhD students, with a critical emphasis on understanding the intersection of race/ethnicity, language, and gender in writing support and collaboration experiences. (Data Collection Stage)