Cynthia Barron, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Coordinator of EdD Urban Education Leadership
Educational Policy Studies
Building & Room:
ETMSW 3204
1040 W. Harrison St., Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Dr. Cynthia K. Barron is Program Coordinator, Assistant Clinical Professor, and Leadership Coach with UIC's Urban Education Leadership Program. As EdD Program Coordinator, Dr. Barron works collaboratively with the Center for Urban Education Leadership to strengthen the work and impact of both the Center and the Ed.D. program. She works in partnership with school districts, primarily Chicago Public Schools, on leader pipeline development, residency placement, principal eligibility processes, and development of supports for principal supervision and success. Dr. Barron leads the continuous improvement of all aspects of the program including mission and vision, recruitment and admissions, data collection, processes of program assessment, and generally overseeing the developmental trajectory of program students. She leads efforts to secure external funds to support innovations that are not currently funded by the University but that demonstrate next edges of practice for the field.
As a Clinical Professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies, she teaches several graduate courses including EDPS559 Internship in Educational Leadership for aspiring principals and EDPS 553 System Leadership in Urban Schools for those seeking superintendent endorsement. Additionally, she supervises capstone completion for candidates seeking the EdD degree. In the role of leadership coach, Dr. Barron has supported over fifty Ed.D. candidates through internships in their quest to become high quality school leaders. Nearly all passed the Chicago Public Schools rigorous eligibility process and are now serving as principals, assistant principals and principal supervisors in CPS schools. Dr. Barron’s coaching continues through their novice leadership years.
Dr. Barron has more than forty years’ experience in education, with thirty-five spent in Chicago Public Schools as an Area Instruction Officer, Interim Chief Area Officer for High Schools, principal of two schools, assistant principal, counselor, teacher, and athletic coach. She has been recognized for success as both an elementary and high school principal moving each school to new heights. As an Area Instructional Officer, Dr. Barron supervised, supported and developed over 40 high school principals in two different CPS Areas. During seven years as an Area Instructional Officer (currently titled Network Chief) Dr. Barron’s schools demonstrated improved principal leadership, attendance, student achievement, Local School Council engagement, and increased focus on a student centered approach to teaching and learning.