Daniel M. Maggin, PhD
Associate Dean of Research, Special Education Chair, and Professor
Special Education
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3123 ETMSW
1040 W. Harrison St. (M/C 147), Chicago, IL 60607
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Daniel Maggin's research and teaching addresses three areas related to the education of students with disabilities with a particular emphasis on supporting those students with and at risk for developing emotional and behavioral disorders. These areas include the use of various research synthesis methods to help with the identification of effective, school-based instructional and management practices; the training of school personnel to use a continuum of empirically supported assessment and intervention methods to develop individualized educational programs for students with disabilities; and the development and application of methods for promoting the use of research and evidence in schools to assist school personnel better support the individualized needs of students with disabilities.
Selected Publications
Maggin, D. M., & Bruhn, A. L. (2018). Evidence-based assessment and single-case research: A commentary for the special issue. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 43, 71 – 78.
Maggin, D. M., Pustejovsky, J., & Johnson, A. H. (2017). A meta-analysis of school-based group contingency interventions for students with challenging behavior: An update. Remedial and Special Education, 38, 353-370.
Maggin, D. M., Talbott, E., Van Acker, E. Y., & Kumm, S. (2017). Quality indicators for systematic reviews in behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 42, 52—64.
Maggin, D. M., Wehby, J. H., Farmer, T. W., & Brooks, D. S. (2016). Intensive interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders: Issues, theory, & future directions. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 24, 138-147.
Professional Leadership
Co-Editor, Behavioral Disorders
Associate Editor, Remedial and Special Education
Associate Editor, Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
PhD Vanderbilt University
MA Bank Street College of Education
BA Lafayette College
Research Currently in Progress
Preparing Leaders in Urban Special Education (PLUS). The purpose of this project is to prepare three cohorts of special education master’s students to become school leaders with expertise in the development, implementation, and evaluation of effective inclusive programs for students with disabilities. PLUS scholars will participate in an interdisciplinary program that will include coursework in special education and educational leadership. Graduates will acquire the skills to become school leaders who are able to support the instructional needs of students with disabilities within the broader school context. Funded through the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the project will run from 2015 - 2020 and has a total operating budget of $1,241,456. Dr. Maggin is the co-principal investigator with Dr. Marie Tejero Hughes of the UIC Department of Special Education.
National Center for Leadership in Intensive Interventions (NCLII). The NCLII is a consortium of seven universities that will train a total of 28 doctoral students to conduct research and prepare a new generation of special education teachers in the area of intensive interventions for students with disabilities. The lead insitution is Vanderbilt University with other member institutions including Southern Methodoist University, University of Connecticut, University of Minnesota, University of Texas-Austin, and Virginia Commonwealth in addition to UIC. Funded through the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the project will run from 2015 - 2019 with the UIC subcontract totaling $849,000. Dr. Maggin is the UIC co-principal investigator with Dr. Marie Hughes of the UIC Department of Special Education.
Preparing Urban Leaders in Secondary Special Education (PULSSE). The purpose of this project is to prepare five cohorts of special education master’s students to become school leaders with expertise in the development, implementation, and evaluation of effective and inclusive programs for students with severe disabilities in secondary settings. PULSSE scholars participate in a rigorous series of courses focused on issues related to effective and inclusive programming for students with severe disabilites and methods for preparing the students with severe disabilities to experience succesfful post school transitions. Funded through through the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the project will run from 2013 - 2019 with a total operating budget of $1,232,892. Dr. Maggin is a co-investigator and works alongside the principal investigator Dr. Lisa Cushing and co-investigator Michelle Parker-Katz of the UIC Department of Special Education.