Jason Salisbury, PhD
Associate Professor
Coordinator of MEd Educational Policy Studies
Educational Policy Studies
Building & Room:
ETMSW 3331
1040 W. Harrison St. (MC 147), Chicago, IL 60607
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Jason Salisbury is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies working in the College of Education's Urban Education Leadership program, where he teaches classes related to instructional leadership and organizational theory. His research focuses on understanding how school leaders are able to support teachers in engaging in culturally relevant or sustaining pedagogies and how school leaders are able to create spaces for marginalized youth to engage in transformative leadership in their schools.
Selected Publications
Salisbury, J. (in press). It’ll make my brother’s education better than mine. We need that.”: Youth of Color Activating Their Community Cultural Wealth for Transformative Change. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
Salisbury, J. D., & Irby, D. J. (2020). Leveraging Active Learning Pedagogy in a Scaffolded Approach: Reconceptualizing Instructional Leadership Learning. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, DOI: 10.1177/1942775120936300.
Salisbury, J. (2020). A tale of racial fortuity: Interrogating the silent covenants of a high school’s definition of success for youth of color. American Journal of Education, 126(2), 265-291.
Salisbury, J. D. (2020). Moving a School toward Cultural Relevance: Leveraging Organizational Structures, Routines, and Artifacts to Shape Social Interactions. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 25(2) 126-145. DOI: 10.1080/10824669.2019.1705161
Salisbury, J. D., Sheth, M. J., & Angton, A. (2020). “They Didn’t Even Talk About Oppression”: School Leadership Protecting the Whiteness of Leadership through Resistance Practices to a Youth Voice Initiative. Journal of Education Human Resources, 38(1), 57-81.
Irby, D. J., Meyers, C. V., & Salisbury, J. D. (2020). Improving schools by strategically connecting equity leadership and organizational improvement perspectives: Introduction to special issue. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 25(2), 101-106.
Salisbury, J, Sheth, M. J., Spikes, D., & Graeber, A. (2019) “We have to empower ourselves to make changes!”: Developing collective capacity for transformative change through an urban student voice experience. Urban Education, DOI: 10.1177/0042085919857806.
Salisbury, J. (2019). Promoting culturally relevant educational practices: Leveraging locally designed instructional artifacts as change agents. Journal of School Leadership, 29(5), 361-388.
Salisbury, J., Goff, P., & Blitz, M. (2019). Making sense of the noise: Developing a decision matrix for selecting a leadership assessment tool. Journal of School Leadership, 29(1), 84-112.
Salisbury, J., Rollins, K., Lang, E., & Spikes, D. (2019). Creating Spaces for Youth through Student Voice and Critical Pedagogy: The Case of RunDSM. International Journal of Student Voice, 4(1), 1-16.
Salisbury, J., Spikes, D., & Graeber, A. (2018) Bringing the voices of youth to the table: A social justice youth development approach. Journal of Ethical Educational Leadership, 5(1), 117-136.
Bowers, A., Blitz, M. H., Modeste, M., Salisbury, J., & Halverson, R. (2017). Is there a typology of teacher and leader responders to CALL and do they cluster in different types of schools? A two-level latent class analysis of CALL survey data. Teachers College Record, 119(1), 1-38.
Min, S., Modeste, M., Salisbury, J., & Goff, P. (2016). Heeding the CALL: An inquiry into instructional collaboration among school professionals. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(2), 135-151.
Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin - Madison
M.S. Special Education, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
B.S. Special Education, Michigan State University