Jennifer Olson, PhD
Visiting Associate Dean of Teacher Education
Clinical Associate Professor and Coordinator, Secondary Education Programs
Curriculum & Instruction
Office of Academic Affairs
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
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1031 ETMSW
1040 W. Harrison St. (MC 147), Chicago, IL 60607
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Jennifer Olson is a clinical associate professor in Curriculum & Instruction and is currently serving as the Associate Dean of Teacher Education for the College of Education. With over 20 years of experience in education, Dr. Olson is dedicated to advancing teacher preparation programs that are innovative, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of diverse communities. Jennifer Olson’s research interests include culturally responsive pedagogy, global education, and teacher professional development.
Dr. Olson is passionate about global education and the impact of international experiences on student learning. She is a strong advocate for integrating study abroad opportunities within teacher preparation, believing that global exposure enriches teaching practices and fosters cross-cultural competence. Under her leadership, the College of Education has expanded its study abroad initiatives, establishing partnerships with international institutions, and creating immersive learning experiences for students and faculty. Jennifer is faculty director for the Education, Globalization, and the Child program in Brazil and the First Year Flames Abroad program in Costa Rica. Read more about these programs here: https://coestudyabroad.squarespace.com/
Dr. Olson is committed to supporting teachers’ professional development and continuous growth throughout their careers. She is co-Director of the UIC BEST program, which provides the opportunity for Chicago Public School science teachers to spend time in biomedical engineering research labs and use the experience to create a curriculum for use in their own classrooms. Her work in this area focuses on fostering equitable access to high-quality STEM education and supporting teachers in developing pedagogical practices that engage and inspire all students. Read more about the program here: https://bestbme.lab.uic.edu/
Selected Publications
Shah, J., Wexler, L., Rao, A., & Olson, J.D. (2023). Shifting pedagogies, philosophies, and priorities: The experiences of first year teachers beginning a career during a pandemic. Educational Studies.
Shah, J., Wexler, L., Rao, A., & Olson, J.D. (2023). How about a round of applause: Assets, dispositions, and contributions of first year teachers during parallel pandemics of 2020. Teaching Education.
Rao, A.B. & Olson, J.D. (2022). Clinical Experiences in Urban Schools: Translating Theory into Practice. In G. Jean-Marie & S. Brown (Eds). Reconceptualizing Social Justice in Teacher Education: Moving Beyond Culturally Responsive to Anti-racist Pedagogy. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter in Preparation.
De Voto, C., Olson, J. D., & Gottlieb, J. J. (2021). Examining diverse perspectives of edTPA policy implementation across states: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Journal of Teacher Education, 72(1), 42-55.
Cummings, M. I., & Olson, J. D. (2020). The importance and potential of community partnerships in urban schools in an era of high-stakes accountability. Improving Schools, 23(2), 109-124
Olson, J. D., & Rao, A. B. (2017). Adopting the edTPA as a High-Stakes Assessment: Resistance, Advocacy, and Reflection in Illinois. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 29(4).
Dreyer, S., Kotche, M., Olson, J., & Shyjka, A. (2017, June). Bioengineering Experience for High School Science Teachers. In 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Olson, J. D., & Rao, A. B. (2016). Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher: The Impact of Clinical Experiences in Urban Schools. Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research, 12, 133-141.