Martha Hebert, EdD
Senior Research Specialist, Center for Urban Education Leadership
Educational Policy Studies
Building & Room:
ETMSW 3036
1040 W. Harrison St. (M/C 147), Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Martha M. Hebert has worked with the Center for Urban Education Leadership since 2006 gathering and presenting qualitative and quantitative evidence of the practice, progress and successes of EdD Urban Education Leadership program candidates. She also assists with grant proposals for the EdD program and has served as a project manager for several COE initiatives that illuminate best-practice instructional approaches.
Hebert worked for Chicago Public Schools for 36 years: 21 were spent in district and central office positions, including as a consultant in the Office of Grants Management; as executive assistant to the Chief Officer for Professional Development; manager of the New Teacher Induction program in the CPS Teachers Academy; and coordinator in the Office of Funded Programs. She was a classroom teacher for 15 years. Hebert obtained an EdD in Educational Administration and Supervision from Loyola University Chicago in 1994.