Photo of Morton, Terrell R.

Terrell R. Morton, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Identity and Justice in STEM Education

Educational Psychology


Building & Room:

3230 ETMSW


1040 W Harrison St, Chicago, IL 60607, USA

Office Phone:

(312) 996-3014


Dr. Terrell R. Morton is an Assistant Professor of Identity and Justice in STEM Education in the Department of Educational Psychology in the College of Education. Dr. Morton graduated with a B.S. in Chemistry from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, a M.S. in Neuroscience from the University of Miami, and a Ph.D. in Education concentration Learning Sciences and Psychological Studies from UNC Chapel-Hill. Dr. Morton identifies as a Scholar-Activist! His research and work focus on identity as it informs the persistence and engagement of racialized and minoritized students in STEM postsecondary education. He draws from critical race theory, phenomenology, and human development to ascertain Black students’ consciousness and how it manifests in their various embodiments and actions that facilitate their STEM postsecondary engagements.

As a scholar-activist, Dr. Morton works to transform the positioning and understanding of Blackness in mainstream education, specifically STEM, seeking justice and joy for Black women, Black students, and other minoritized individuals given the social-cultural-political-historical positioning of their identities. He advocates for identity, justice, and joy to be fundamental for education. He also works to transform STEM learning environments, creating spaces that are recognized and understood as extensions of students’ identity rather than sites of oppression that perpetuate hostility and exclusion.

Selected Grants

National Science Foundation: 2140901, Collaborative Research: EHR Racial Equity: Examining Blackness in Postsecondary STEM Education through a Multidimensional-Multiplicative Lens. Education and Human Resources Directorate, $8,826,392, Principal Investigator

National Science Foundation: 2217343, RCN-UBE: Deepening and Expanding the Mission and Outcomes of the Re-Envisioning Culture Network. Division of Biological Infrastructure, $500,000, Principal Investigator

National Science Foundation: 2100823, Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE): Expanding the Reach and Impact of Innovations in STEM Education. DRL – Discovery Research K-12, $3,307,943, Co-Principal Investigator

National Science Foundation: 2020709, Louis Stokes Regional Center of Excellence for the Study of STEM Interventions. Division of Human Resources Development, $1,000,000, Co-Principal Investigator

Selected Publications

McCoy, W.N., Morton, T.R., White, A.M., & Butler, M. (2024). Focus groups as counterspaces for Black girls and Black women: A critical approach to research methods. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 78, #102298, 1-8. DOI:

Nicolai, K. D., Morton, T. R., De La Torre, C., DeCuir-Gunby, J. T., & Koenka, A. C. (2024). Navigating growing pains: Tensions in integrating critical race theory in psychology and strategies for addressing them. Journal of Social Issues, 80(1), 1–35.

Morton, T.R. (2023). Critical race theory and its relevance for chemistry. Nature Chemistry, 15, 1043-1046. DOI: 10.1038/s41557-023-01271-5
Morton, T.R., Agee, W., Ashad-Bishop, K.C., Banks, L.D., Barnett Z.C., Bramlett, I.D., Brown, B., Gassmann, W., Grayson, K., Hollowell. G.P., Kaggwa, R., Kandlikar, G.S., Love, M., McCoy, W.N., Melton, M.A., Miles, M.L., Quinlan, C.L., Roby. R.S., Rorie. C.J., Russo-Tait, T., Wardin, A.M., Williams, M.R., & Woodson, A.N. (2023). Re-envisioning the culture of undergraduate biology education to foster Black student success: A clarion call. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 22(4), 1-13. DOI:

McGee, E.O., Morton, T.R., Frierson, W., & White, D.T. (2023). Accelerating racial activism in STEM higher education by institutionalizing an equity ethic. Teachers College Record, 125 (9), 108-139. DOI:

Ortiz, N.A., & Morton, T.R. (2022). Empowering Black mathematics students through a framework of communalism and collective Black identity. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 15(1), 54-77.

Morton, T.R., Miles, M.L, Roby, R.S., & Ortiz, N.A. (2022). “All we wanna do is be free”: Advocating for Black liberation in and through K-12 science education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 33(2), 131-153. DOI:

Morton, T.R. (2022). Critical race theory and STEM education. In P.G. Price (Ed.). Oxford Encyclopedia of Race and Education. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. DOI:

Morton, T.R., Gee, D.S., & Woodson, A.N. (2019). Being vs. becoming: Transcending STEM identity development through afropessimism, moving towards a Black X consciousness in STEM. The Journal of Negro Education, 88(3), 327-342. DOI: 10.7709/jnegroeducation.88.3.0327

Morton, T.R., & Parsons, E.C. (2018). #BlackGirlMagic: The identity conceptualization of Black women in undergraduate STEM education. Science Education, 102(6), 1363-1393. DOI:

Professional Leadership

Chair (2023 - 2026), American Educational Research Association, Equity and Inclusion Council

Member (2023 - 2026), American Educational Reseach Association, Social Justice Council

Monitoring Editor (2021 - 2024), Cell Biology Education-Life Sciences Education

Editorial Board (2021 - 2024), Journal of Research in Science Teaching

Notable Honors

2024, Early Career Research Award, National Association of Research on Science Teaching

2021, Ernest D. Morrell Emerging Scholar, Comparative & International Education Society, African Diaspora Special Interest Group

2020, Omega Man of the Year, Epsilon Delta Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc

2020, "1,000 Inspiring Black Scientists in America”, Community of Scholars & Cell Mentor


Ph.D. Education - Learning Science and Psychological Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill (Chapel-Hill, NC)
M.S. Neuroscience, University of Miami (Miami, FL)
B.S. Chemistry, North Carolina A&T State University (Greensboro, NC)

Professional Memberships

Comparative and International Education Society

Association for the Study of Higher Education

National Association for Research on Science Teaching

American Psychological Association

American Educational Research Association

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity, Inc.

Selected Presentations

University of British Columbia – Vancouver Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Seminar

Lawrence Technical University, IDEA Factory

University of Southern Mississippi, Center for STEM Education 2022 STEMed Speaker Series

National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Presidential Webinar Series

California State University, COAST and CSUPERB Collaboration

South X Southwest EDU Annual Conference

2021 Assessment and Teaching Conference, University of Pittsburgh

Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Seminar Series

Research Currently in Progress

Black epiSTEMologies:

Black epiSTEMologies is a multi-institutional collaborative research project seeking to develop theories, research methods and tools (e.g., qualitative protocols, quantitative instruments), and forms of knowledge that expand the field of STEM education’s conceptual understandings of and implications for racial equity in STEM for Black students. Black epiSTEMologies is funded by the National Science Foundation (EHR Racial Equity) and encompasses the following research awards:
UIC & TSU: 2243109 GSU: 2140902 American Uni: 2140903 UT- Austin: 2140904 NC A&T: 2140905.


Re-Envisioning Culture Network:

The REC Network is a group of diverse individuals across institutions of higher education, STEM careers, K-12 education, Black cultural spaces, the arts, and the larger community who strive to enhance the STEM experiences and outcomes of Black undergraduate students in the biological sciences. Through various activities and events, the REC Network strives to address the issue of retaining Black students in undergraduate biology by proposing and enacting strategies that transform the culture of undergraduate biology (i.e., the norms, values, beliefs, ideologies, and practices) rather than focusing on strategies to transform Black students.

NSF Award Number: 2217343