Rachel E. Schachter
Associate Professor
Educational Psychology
Building & Room:
ETMSW 1208
1040 W. Harrison St.
Dr. Schachter is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at UIC. Her research focuses on understanding teachers’ experiences and how to build from these experiences to bring about meaningful changes in literacy practices and improved reading outcomes for children. Dr. Schachter’s recent research has investigated teachers’ perceptions of instructional supports such as curricula and assessments, the role of coaching in supporting practices, as well as early childhood teachers’ pedagogical reasoning about literacy instruction. She has secured over $9 million in external grants as either PI or Co-I and her work has been published in journals such as Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Harvard Educational Review, Young Children, Early Education and Development, and Reading Research Quarterly. Dr. Schachter received her Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan School of Education and was an Institute of Education Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The Ohio State University.