Karen Sakash, PhD
Clinical Professor Emerita
Curriculum & Instruction
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Dr. Sakash's research and teaching interests focused on professional development and certification of bilingual teachers, collaboration of teachers across programs to serve English Language Learners, evaluation of bilingual teacher education programs, and English language proficiency assessment and instruction of ELL children in K-12 schools.
Selected Grants
USDE/Office of English Language Acquisition. $1,685,654 (2012-2018)., Project MASTEL (Math & Science Teachers of English Learners): A National Professional Development Grant., Principal Investigator & Project Director
USDE/Office of English Language Acquisition. $1,500,000 (2007-2013)., Project STELL (Secondary Teachers of English Language Learners): A National Professional Development Grant., Principal Investigator & Project Director
USDE, Title II, $5,700,291 (2003-2008)., Supporting Teachers Supporting Teaching (ST2): A Teacher Quality Enhancement Partnership Grant., Co-PI with V. Chou, S. Levine, & C. Bridge
USDE/Bilingual Education - Professional Development, PL 103-382 Improving America's Schools Act of 1994. $1,200,000 (2001-2006), Training All Teachers About Transition: A Training All Teachers Grant., Co-PI with F. V. Rodriguez-Brown
USDE/Bilingual Education - Professonal Development, PL 103-382 Improving America's Schools Act of 1994. $750,000 (2001-2004), Project 29: A Teachers and Personnel Grant., Co-PI with F. V. Rodriguez-Brown
Selected Publications
Sakash, K., & Rodriguez-Brown, F.V. (2010). Fostering Collaboration Between Mainstream and Bilingual Teachers and Teacher Candidates. In T. Lucas (Ed.), Teacher Preparation for Linguistically Diverse Classrooms: A Resource for Teacher Educators. New York, NY: Routledge.
Sakash, K., & Chou, V. (2007). Increasing the Supply of Latino Bilingual Teachers to the Chicago Public Schools. Teacher Education Quarterly, 34, Fall, 41-52.
Chou, V., & Sakash, K. (2007). Troubling diversity (Commentary). In M. Cochran-Smith, S. Feiman-Nemser, J. McIntyre, & K. Demers (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teacher Education: Enduring Issues in Changing Contexts (3rd Edition). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Sakash, K. (2006). What should an evaluation of a program for English Language Learners include? In E. Hamayan & R. Freeman (Eds.), English Language Learners at School: A Guide for Administrators (pp.131-133). Philadelphia, PA: Caslon Publishing.
1990 - Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, Public Policy Analysis (Education)
1978 - M.Ed, Indiana University, Education
1972 - B.A., St. Mary's College, Notre Dame IN, Elementary Education