Michelle B. Parker-Katz, PhD
Clinical Professor
Coordinator of MEd Special Education
Special Education
Building & Room:
3412 ETMSW
1040 W. Harrison St. (MC 147), Chicago, IL 60607
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Michelle Parker-Katz is Clinical Professor in Special Education where she also coordinates the master’s programs and clinical fieldwork. She teaches masters and doctoral level courses that include supervising teacher candidates' fieldwork in Chicago Public Schools. She is a fellow with the UIC Honors College and teaches in the UIC Foundations of College Teaching Certificate program. Before joining higher education, Dr. Parker-Katz was a general educator in three major US cities. Her courses focus on teacher learning and teacher education, which also align with her three related research agendas. One focuses on the structures, nature, and possibilities of building authentic collaborative engagement amongst educators, students, families and a range of community members. A related second focus is how teachers develop cultural competencies and literacies related to their students. A related third agenda is how to build and support teacher inquiry and leadership capacities. She has been co-PI on a number of projects funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, Office of Special Education Programs, and National Science Foundation. She publishes widely in general and special education journals as well as in books and online venues. Dr. Parker-Katz provides professional support to several non-profit community groups and is active in state and national organizations. In addition to teaching awards, Parker-Katz earned the INSPIRE! award for her ongoing efforts to recruit, sustain and nurture students at the University of Illinois at Chicago as they learn and continuously develop their teacher practices.
Selected Publications
- Podsiadlik, E. & Parker-Katz, M. (in press). Transforming teacher education: Nurturing innovative pathways of collaboration essential to democratizing teacher education. In A. Lopez & E.L. Olan (Eds.) Transformative pedagogies for teacher education: Moving towards critical praxis in an era of change. Washington, DC: AERA.
- Parker-Katz, M., Cushing, L. S. & Athamanah, L. (2018). Fostering transition leadership to promote partnerships with families and communities. Journal of Policy in Disabilities Studies, 28(4), 244-254.
- Parker-Katz, M., Hughes, M., & Lee G. (2017). Preparing all educators to teach students with disabilities through a focus on teaching literacy. M. Hughes & E. Talbott, Eds. Handbook of Diversity in Special Education. John Wiley & Sons.
- Hughes, M. T., Parker-Katz, M. & Balasubramanian, A. (2013). Learning to teach literacy through collaborative discussions of student work. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice,19(5).
- Hughes, M., T. & Parker-Katz, M. (2013). Integrating comprehension strategies into social studies instruction. The Social Studies, 104(3), 93 – 104. DOI:10.1080/00377996.2012.691570
Notable Honors
2006, Teaching Recognition Program, University of Illinois at Chicago
2014, INSPIRE!, University of Illinois at Chicago
2015 - 2017, Master Teacher Scholar, University of Illinois at Chicago
PhD, Michigan State University
Selected Presentations
• Barabasz, M. and Parker-Katz, M. (2018, April). Next Generation Science Standards in inclusive middle school classrooms: How are students with learning disabilities supported? Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Education Research Association. New York, NY.
• Perchess, M. and Parker-Katz, M. (2018, February). A Position of Ambiguity: The Experiences of a First-Year Transition Specialist. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Council of Exceptional Children. Tampa, FL.
• Bakare, A. & Parker-Katz, M. (2017, November). Special educator retention and resilience.Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Division of Teacher Education, Council of Exceptional Children. Savannah, GE.
• Hughes, M. T., Parker-Katz, M., & Braun, G. (2017, November). A journey to higher education: Preparing faculty to address the needs of urban schools. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Division of Teacher Education, Council of Exceptional Children. Savannah, GE.
• Passi J. & Parker-Katz, M. (2017, April). “Chasms” in the IEP process: The perspectives of teachers and Latinao/ parents. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Council of Exceptional Children. Boston, MA.
• Parker-Katz, M. (2016, November). Teacher inquiry as a vehicle for graduate study and professional development. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Teacher Education Division of the Council of Exceptional Children. Lexington, KY.
• Parker-Katz, M. & Cushing, L.S. (2016, April). Building Transition Teacher Leadership to Improve Transition Outcomes. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association. Washington, DC.
• Parker-Katz, M. & Cushing, L.S. (2016, April). Teacher Leadership and Community Conversations: Authentic Improvement to Foster Improved Transition Outcomes. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Council of Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MS.
Research Currently in Progress
Effective inclusion practices in urban schools, and how teachers can develop inquiries and leadership related to it; authentic engagement between and amongst teachers, families and community stakeholders; implementation of culturally sustainable pedagogies in urban schools.