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Photo of Palmer, Gordon

Gordon Palmer, PhD

Assistant Professor

Educational Policy Studies


Building & Room:

3115 ETMSW

Office Phone:



Gordon Palmer (PhD, Higher Education and Psychology, University of Michigan), is an Assistant Professor, and joined the Department of Educational Policy Studies as a Bridge-to-the-Faculty Fellow in Fall 2021. Dr. Palmer’s work is motivated by an effort to understand how Black people transform the places that they occupy into more just and compassionate places through meaning-making, cultural ideologies, compassionate relationships, and acts of justice. His emerging program of research broadly focuses on 1) examining the sociopolitical development of Black urban residents—with a particular focus on Black women college and graduate students—through innovative critical qualitative placed-based methodologies and 2) examining how parents, mentors, and spirituality influence the well-being and persistence of Black peoples generally and Black university students specifically. He takes on this work as someone dedicated to ethical, rigorous, and reciprocal research practices aimed at transforming the extant higher education understanding of urban residing Black students in the US into one that is more emic and inclusive.