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Photo of Vaughan, Andrea

Andrea Vaughan, PhD

Visiting Assistant Research Professor

Interim Director

Center for Literacy

Pronouns: she/her


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1040 W Harrison St. M/C 147 Chicago, IL 60607

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Andrea Vaughan is a researcher, organizational leader, and educator devoted to understanding and deepening learners' experiences across in- and out-of-school contexts. She is the Interim Director of the Center for Literacy (CFL) and a Visiting Research Assistant Professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Dr. Vaughan's research explores how young people write and share their writing, and considers how teachers might develop curriculum to support youth's literacy development and practice. Using primarily qualitative methods, Dr. Vaughan studies the writing of young people in the contexts in which they live and learn, including schools, community spaces, and informal settings. She is particularly interested in how understanding youth's writing outside of school might inform more engaging, equitable, and humanizing curricula and opportunities within school-based literacy classrooms. Her research has appeared or is forthcoming in journals including the Journal of Literacy Research, Written Communication, Language Arts, and the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy.

At the College of Education, Dr. Vaughan has taught elective and required courses for graduates and undergraduates on disciplinary literacies, out-of-school literacies, and literacy teaching methods.

Dr. Vaughan also serves as the Interim Director of the Center for Literacy, the community engagement arm of UIC's College of Education, where she leads research, programming, partnerships, and operations. Dr. Vaughan deeply values the opportunity to put research into practice to make a difference in the lives of Chicago families, and to learn with students, community partners, and a dedicated team of educators every day.

Selected Publications

Lesus, M., & Vaughan, A. (2022). “I just want to word it better”: Developing disciplinary literacies in an after-school spoken word poetry team. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 21(1), 57-70.

Bauer, E., Sanchez, L., Wang, Y., & Vaughan, A. (Eds.). (2021). A transdisciplinary lens for bilingual education. New York, NY: Routledge.

Vaughan, A. (2020). Conceptualizing scholarship on adolescent out-of-school writing toward more equitable teaching and learning: A literature review. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 63(5), 529-537.

Woodard, R., Vaughan, A., & Coppola, R. (2020). Writing beyond “the four corners”: Adolescent girls writing by, in, from, and for bodies in school. Journal of Literacy Research, 52(1), 6-31.

Vaughan, A., Woodard, R., Phillips, N. C., & Taylor, K. (2018). Cultivating urban literacies through a pedagogy of spatial justice on Chicago’s South Side. Voices From the Middle, 25(3), 28-31. (Featured in the 2018-2019 Marginal Syllabus in partnership with the National Writing Project, Hypothesis, and the National Council of Teachers of English.)

Machado, E., Vaughan, A., Coppola, R., & Woodard, R. (2017). “Lived life through a colored lens”: Culturally sustaining poetry in an urban literacy classroom. Language Arts, 94(6), 367-381.