Victoria Trinder, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor
Program Coordinator of the BA Urban Education: Elementary Education program
Curriculum & Instruction
Building & Room:
3030 ETMSW
1040 W. Harrison St. (MC 147), Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Victoria Trinder, PhD, is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction whose scholarship examines teacher education practices and policies in the context of historicized oppressions wrought by public schools in the U.S. and other 'post-conflict' territories of the colonial project. Dr. Trinder serves the college and university currently as the Program Coordinator and Director of Undergraduate Studies for the BA Urban Education: Elementary Education program, a licensure program providing undergraduate teacher candidates experientially-based coursework for the development of knowledges and skills necessary for teaching with advocacy for urban students. From her decades of working with pre-service teachers and the faculty who teach them, she has developed a decolonizing framework that vertically guides the program as it works to develop critical practitioners. This framework is disseminated nationally through invited talks and conference proceedings.
She is co-PI on the Pelino project that works to expand the footprint of the early childhood workforce through UIC, which has manifested in program and course redesigns. Because of this cross-department collaboration, the elementary licensed teachers graduating from UIC will have knowledges that encompass early childhood, creating more informed and critical teachers. Practically, this has increased the number of early childhood licensed teachers matriculating from UIC three-fold.
Her research and teacher education interests center on the decolonial theories and indigenous studies; anti-racist teacher education; historically situated critical teacher education; linguistic justice in urban education; teacher identity, intersectionality, and racial socialization.
Her book, Teaching Toward a Decolonizing Pedagogy: Reflections from Inside and Outside the Classroom, is a practice in decolonizing academia itself through the narrative vignettes and serves as a tool for pre-service teachers as they become reflective practitioners.
Selected Publications
Trinder, V. (in press) Teaching Toward a Decolonizing Pedagogy: Critical Reflections Inside and Outside the Classroom. New York, NY: Routledge.
Madden, K., Pereira, P., Rezvi, S., Trinder, V., & Martin, D. (2020). Cartographies of race, gender, and class in the white (male settler) spaces of science and mathematics: Navigations by Black, Afro-Brazilian, and Pakistani women. In E. McGee & W. Robinson (Eds.), Diversifying STEM: Multidisciplinary perspectives on race and gender (pp. 69-106). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Trinder, V. (2004). The impact of culturally-centered curriculum on identity development of U.S.-Mexican secondary students. Presentation at the 33rd annual conference of the National Association of Biloingual Education (NABE), Albuquerque, NM.
Trinder, V. (2003). Bilingual adolescent navigation of tracking and segregation in urban high schools; and curricular responses to a post-9/11 global community. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago.
2008 - PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Curriculum and Instruction
2001 - MEd, University of Illinois at Chicago, Educational Studies
Licensures and Certifications
IL Type 09 (6-12): Social Studies, English, E.S.L.
IL Type 03 (K-9): Bilingual, ESL, Reading endorsements
IL Type 75 (School Leadership)
Professional Memberships
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE)
Critical Race Studies in Education Association (CRSEA)
National Association of Bilingual Educators (NABE)
Society of Professors of Education (SPE)
Selected Presentations
Published Conference Proceedings:
Trinder, V.F., & Larnell, G.V. (2015). Toward a decolonizing pedagogical perspective for mathematics teacher education. In B. Greer & S. Mukhopadhyay (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference (pp. 291-223). Portland, Oregon, USA.
Conference Presentations:
Trinder, V.F. & Morales, P.Z. (2019, April). Reparative shifts in language education policy: A case study of language ideologies in urban charter schooling. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of American Education Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Trinder, V.F. (2019, April). Revolutionary incrementalists or collaborators? Designs, arguments, and theorizing for decolonizing teacher education. Roundtable session presentation at the annual meeting of American Education Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Trinder, V.F. (2019, March). Conductors and/in classrooms: Reification and refusal, and the decolonizing of teacher education. Presentation at the combined annual meeting of the Association of Latina/o Anthropologists (ALLA) and Association of Black Anthropologist (ABA) American Ethnological Society (AES). St. Louis, MO.
Trinder, V.F. (2017, April). Beyond teacher education as concession: A decolonizing framework for equity teaching, learning, and unlearning. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Swanson, J.A., Olson, J.D., Trinder, V.F., & Walker, L.J. (2017, April). Conceptualizing a theory of emerging teacher leadership. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Trinder, V.F. & Larnell, G.V. (2015, June). Toward a decolonizing pedagogy framing for mathematics teacher education. Paper presentation at the bienn8th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference, Portland, OR.
Trinder, V.F. (2014, October). Love is not Enough: Toward a decolonizing framework for teacher education. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association, San Antonio, TX.
Invited Conference Presentations:
Trinder, V.F. (2018, March). Dispositions of disruption: The critical teaching work of modeling critical content in teaching learning and unlearning. Concurrent Session Keynote, American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Meeting, Preparing Teachers for Practice strand. Baltimore, MD.
Martin, D.B. & Trinder, V.F. (2013). From critical to radical agendas in mathematics education. Invited paper for 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education- ICME-13. Hamburg, Germany.
Other Colloquia/Presentations:
Trinder, V.F. (2016, January). Elementary decolonizing: Programming for equity through unlearning to teach. Paper presented at the UIC College of Education Research Day, Chicago, IL.
Trinder, V.F. (2014, October). A decolonizing framework for teacher preparation. Paper Presenter at the UIC College of Education Research Day, Chicago, IL.
Research Currently in Progress
Trinder, V. (in progress). Dispositions of disruption: Transforming teacher learning and unlearning. [To appear on Teachingworks.org: Working Papers].
Trinder, V. (in progress). A reparative framework for decolonizing teacher education: Architecture and philosophies of the schooling of teachers.
Trinder, V., & Morales, Z. (in progress). Imagining a decolonized bilingual education: Unlearning white benevolence in urban teacher education.
Trinder, V. (in progress). Rotations and revolutions: Abolitionist pedagogies in clinical teacher education.
Trinder, V. (in progress). Inverse Induction: Resilience and resistance in early teaching.
Trinder, V., editor (in progress). Reparative curricula and programming for teacher education.