
Nicole Koonce leads a discussion in a class at Governors State University.

Dialect and Improper Special Education Diagnoses

PhD Special Education alumna Nicole Koonce is investigating how use of language dialects leads to misdiagnosis of literacy and language development problems.

A girl works on a set of problems at the UIC Assessment Clinic, where students from the MEd Special Education program intern to diagnose potential special education needs.

Special Education Teacher Shortage, Explained

Chicago Tonight features how the College's MEd Special Education program is seeking to mitigate the shortage of special education teachers in CPS.

Standardized Test Reporting Explored in Research

PhD Educational Psychology student Ethan Arenson is investigating how systems for scoring the progress of math and science students can be tweaked to produce better results for teachers.

Doctoral student leads a literacy workshop with young mothers, who are seated in a circle with Colleen and singing a rhythmic song to their children.

Literacy for Youngsters Impacted by Gaze, Gesture

PhD Literacy, Language and Culture student Colleen Whittingham is investigating how the gaze, gestures and use of bodies in speaking between children and parents impacts literacy learning.

A teacher is looking at examples of student art on a bulletin board in a school hallway, surrounded by young Black male students.

Dropout Rate Driven by Dissatisfaction with School

How does the strength of connectivity between student and school affect Black male students with special education needs? PhD Special Education student Kari Smith is on the case.

STEM Education Needs a Morality Component

The College's Danny Martin, PhD, professor of curriculum and instruction, argues that STEM education without a moral component is another tool to marginalize Black and Latina/o learners.

Two Black girls work on a science experiment, removing liquid from a vial and transferring it to a beaker.

Math in Social Networking: New Research

Doctoral student Maisie Gholson is investigating how Black girls' social networks at school impact their opportunities to learn math and the effects on their pursuit of STEM careers in the future.

Suspensions on the Rise: Professor's Response

In an op-ed, Professor David Stovall analyzes the surge of suspensions in Chicago Public Schools and the marginaliziation of African American and Latino students in the discipline system.

Interventions Boost Urban Student Outcomes

Anwar Smith, MEd Youth Development, works to strengthen ties between school, home, church and community to bolster life outcomes for children in Chicago's low-income neighborhoods.

Teachers Under Attack: Research on Attitudes

Doctoral student Jessica Gottlieb is investigating how state and national policies are creating the perception of the teaching profession facing aggression.